

博天堂官方网站生 students are required to consult with the 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator regarding all course registration. 在完成他/她的学位课程的前15个小时学分之前, a graduate student should submit a tentative degree program (TDP) to the 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator. 如果博天堂官方网站生未能提交TDP或不遵守TDP, 他/她可能不符合硕士学位的要求. 这可能会延长完成学位所需的时间. 对TDP的任何后续更改都必须得到博天堂官方网站生协调员的批准.

Some graduate students are required to take undergraduate computer science courses as prerequisite to their graduate program. The 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator meets with each student at the beginning of their program to determine their prerequisites.


BGSU undergraduates often complete several 4000-level courses as part of their degree program. Courses completed at the 4000-level can不 be retaken at the 5000-level for credit. 例如, a student who takes CS 4290 as an undergraduate can不 receive credit for CS 5290 as a graduate student.


学生 are required to make satisfactory progress towards their degree each semester. 博天堂官方网站生院要求学生保持3分.0 GPA and to complete at least two-thirds of the classes attempted each semester.

The 计算机科学系 has the following additional requirements regarding academic progress:

  • 学生必须保持3分.0累积绩点. 如果GPA低于3分.0 in a semester, that student is given one additional semester to raise the GPA to at least 3.0. 平均分低于3分的学生.连续两个学期不合格的学生一般会被开除学籍.
  • A student who receives three grades of C in graduate courses will generally be dismissed from the program.
  • A student who receives a grade lower than C in a graduate course will generally be dismissed from the program.
  • 获得博天堂官方网站生助教奖学金的学生必须保持3分.0累积绩点. 如果GPA低于3分.在一个学期内,他们的合同可能会被终止.

学生 who wish to appeal a decision to be dropped from the program should contact the 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator to arrange a hearing at the department level. 学生也有权向博天堂官方网站生院提出申诉.


Academic credit is available for internships that a student completes while enrolled in the MS program in computer science. 实习必须在某种程度上与BGSU的学习有关. 学生可以获得1至3小时的学分在CS 5890每个实习, but the total hours received for all internships can be no more than 3 credit hours.


  • You must have completed at least one semester in the MS program before starting the internship.
  • 在大多数情况下, academic credit for an internship is awarded in a semester subsequent to the semester(s) of employment.
  • Approximately 600 hours of work experience are needed to qualify for 3 hours of credit, 1或2小时的学分所需的比例更少.
  • Participation in a panel discussion with other CS internship students is sometimes required.
  • 申请实习学分, 填写实习表,并在下午5点前交给毕业生协调员.m. 在你希望获得学分的学期的第一个星期四. 表格可在此下载:
  • 您必须提供名称, 电子邮件, 实习表上还有你直接主管的电话号码. 在大多数情况下, the 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator will contact your supervisor to verify that your position was suitable for academic credit and that your performance was good.
  • 如果你的实习学分申请被批准,你会收到通知. 系里会帮你注册cs5890.
  • 如果你愿意, you can request that CS 5890 credit be obtained through the "credit by examination" process. This requires you to pay an exam fee, but does 不 involve any instructional or general fees. This might be desirable if you are a part-time student or if the internship credit would put you over the 18 credit hour limit. 在填写实习登记表时要求此选项.


The process of transferring one or more courses is initiated by the graduate student and is handled by the 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator. A graduate student may transfer up to 9 graduate credit hours from other institutions with the approval of the 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator. 转学课程必须具备以下条件:

  • 该学生必须在该博天堂官方网站生课程中获得“B”或以上的成绩
  • 这门课程必须在过去六年内修完
  • 课程学分必须 是否全部或部分用于获得其他学位或证书
  • the student must submit to the 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator a copy of the official transcript along with the course syllabus and a copy of the course description from the graduate catalog of the institution at which the course was taken
  • 转学必须得到博天堂官方网站生协调员的批准

The grades for transferred courses are 不 officially recognized or recorded on the student's transcript. 因此转学课程不会影响学生在BGSU的累积GPA.


The 博天堂官方网站生 College and the 计算机科学系 have provided funding for travel grants for computer science graduate students. The purpose is to help fund travel that promote the student's professional development. 以下活动可获拨款资助:

1. participation in workshops, conferences, meetings, or other similar educational experiences; or,
2. participation in a formal course of study as might be sponsored by a professional organization or educational institution.

Grants can pay up to $300 for registration fees, transportation costs (mileage, airfare, etc.),以及住宿. 一个学生每学年最多只能获得一次助学金.

The department's 博天堂官方网站生 Committee will consider grant applications each year on February 1 and October 1. 申请在这些日期之前提交给博天堂官方网站生协调员. You should provide a brochure or other information describing the event you wish to attend, and should also submit a word processing document containing the following information:

  • 你的名字
  • 您希望参加的活动的名称和日期
  • a narrative describing how this event will contribute to your development as a computer science professional
  • 预算提案, 显示您所要求的金额, 将从您的资金中支付的金额, 以及从其他渠道支付的金额

If appropriate, you may optionally provide a letter of support from a faculty member.
