


In April 2011 BGSU approved a University-wide policy requiring a background investigation for all newly hired or rehired 工作人员 including graduate assistants. 这一政策的目的是为了提高学生的安全和保障, 教师, 工作人员, 和其他人, 保护大学财产和资源.

该政策适用于所有博天堂官方网站生助理合同(津贴)。 2012年9月1日以后发行的. 国际学生和参加具有预先批准的背景调查政策的课程的学生可以豁免.

For graduate assistants with stipends who re-hired after a break in employment of twelve months or more from the end of the most recent period of employment, 需要进行背景调查.


该大学与PreTrax签订了合同, 专门从事背景调查和调查的全国性专业公司, 进行这些检查. 的 criminal background investigation will be performed as part of the hiring process to verify that the prospective graduate assistant does not have a pending charge, 逮捕, 或犯罪记录,可能使他们的博天堂官方网站对大学构成风险. 学校负责支付背景调查的费用.


  1. 社会保障地址验证
  2. 县刑事重罪 & 根据过去7年的住址记录进行的轻罪调查
    • 最多搜索五个县/市法院;
    • 额外搜索按菜单定价;
    • 有些县要收入门费.
  3. 国家犯罪 & 多司法管辖区性犯罪者搜索
    • 包括惩教部门, 联邦调查局恐怖分子观察名单, 联邦/州/地方通缉逃犯名单, 多州性犯罪者登记处, 国际刑警组织头号通缉犯
  4. 联邦区刑事搜查(包括最多3次搜查-额外搜查按单收费)


All graduate students issued contracts shall be notified at the time of their contract offer of the requirement to successfully pass the background investigation. 该通知将包括在 谅解声明 所有的合同报价都是这样.

背景调查将在学生以电子方式签署合同并接受合同条款后开始 谅解声明.


谅解声明 随附的所有博天堂官方网站生助理合同将更新,包括以下信息:

博天堂官方网站生助理被要求授权并通过背景调查之前的博天堂官方网站开始. Offers of employment are conditional until a background investigation has been successfully completed and all other pre-employment requirements are satisfied. 的 University reserves the right to determine and confirm suitability for employment and to end any employment already begun if the background check reveals disqualifying information.

请注意在背景调查中发现的过往犯罪记录 不自动取消合同报价吗. 候选人将有机会提供额外信息, 解释定罪的性质和情节, 还有任何康复的迹象. 在确定是否适合博天堂官方网站时, consideration will be given to factors that include: the specific duties of the graduate assistantship position; the number of offenses and circumstances of each; date of conviction; and whether the conviction rose out of employment. If you have any concerns or would like to have a confidential discussion regarding your situation please contact the 博天堂官方网站生学院 Office at BGSU (419) 372-2791 and request to speak to the dean or associate dean of the 博天堂官方网站生学院.

如果这是您的第一份助教合同,您将收到PreTrax的电子邮件通知, BGSU用来进行背景调查的公司. 请填写邮件中要求的信息并回复PreTrax 5个工作日内. 未能完成背景调查程序将取消您在博天堂官方网站的博天堂官方网站资格. 您应该在签署合同后1-5个工作日收到PreTrax的电子邮件. (如果您没有收到此邮件,请确保它没有被过滤为垃圾邮件.)

请注意,获得博天堂官方网站生助理合同的国际学生必须持有美国国务院签发的签证.S. State Department in the Department of Homeland Security and students who are already required to complete a background investigation as part of their program’s admissions process will not be required to complete an additional background investigation by PreTrax.


  1. 博天堂官方网站生助理津贴合同签发后, a 工作人员 member in the Student 博天堂官方网站 Services Office will monitor signed assistantship contracts and identify the new GAs who have been identified by their department as requiring background checks.
  2. 学生博天堂官方网站服务办公室将通过输入学生姓名通知PreTrax需要背景调查的学生, 电话号, 以及PreTrax网站上的电子邮件地址.
  3. 五(5)天内, PreTrax向博天堂官方网站生助理候选人发送电子邮件同意/授权表格.
  4. 的 graduate assistant candidate completes and submits an electronic consumer disclosure authorization form to PreTrax within five (5) days. 拒绝提交表格将导致合同报价被撤销. (我们将尽一切努力联系未在此时间框架内回复的学生.)
  5. PreTrax完成背景调查.
  6. Student 博天堂官方网站 Services Office reviews the background check reports on the PreTrax website and records successfully completed checks. 所有识别犯罪活动的背景调查将提交给博天堂官方网站生院长/指定人员进行审查.
  7. Student 博天堂官方网站 Services Office will also monitor the reports on the PreTrax website and be able to see if students have not responded to the e-mail from PreTrax to initiate their background check. 后续邮件将发给这些学生.
  8. Graduate assistants may not begin work and their contract/payroll data will not be entered in PeopleSoft/Payroll until the background check is successfully completed.
  9. 如果在背景调查中发现有犯罪行为, 将遵循以下程序(见调查结果和措施).

学生博天堂官方网站服务可透过电邮联络: stuemp@nbshgold.com,或致电419-372-2865.


1. 岗位背景调查决定

所有背景调查,确定刑事定罪将提交给博天堂官方网站生院长/指定人员进行审查. 如果背景调查显示有犯罪行为, 院长/指定人员将与系主任/博天堂官方网站生协调员或招聘办公室主任协商. 他们将共同决定学生博天堂官方网站的适当性.

如果有必要的话, 由博天堂官方网站生院长/指定人员决定, the results of the background check may also be provided to the Director of Public Safety or the Office of General Counsel to determine the appropriateness of the graduate assistant employment offer. 博天堂官方网站生院长可以根据需要与其他大学高级管理人员进行磋商, 包括总统. 的 graduate dean/designee will notify the specific graduate program and/or the director of the employing office (if it is different from the graduate program) and the graduate assistant candidate of adverse decisions.

Apart from the persons designated in this section the details of the investigation results will not be provided to any other persons.

2. PreTrax的不利诉讼前通知

If it is determined that the background check contains potentially disqualifying information the graduate dean/designee will notify PreTrax to proceed with a pre-adverse action notice. 反对行动前通知通知候选人取消资格的依据, 包括一份报告副本, 并解释了候选人在《博天堂官方》(FCRA)下的上诉权利. 的 candidate has the opportunity to provide a written account of the pertinent event(s) and to dispute inaccurate information to PreTrax in accordance with applicable law. 如果考生提供的信息被确定为删除或澄清不合格信息, 背景调查将由Pretrax记录为完成并令人满意.

3. 诉讼通知书

如果候选人在5个工作日内没有回复, 或者如果回复没有提供令人满意的证据来记录背景调查是否成功完成, 学校可以撤回录用通知.


Candidates denied employment as a graduate assistant based on prior criminal activity may still be admitted and register for classes, 提供了博天堂官方网站生院长, 公共安全总监和法律总顾问同意该学生不会被视为大学社区的风险.

4. 评估博天堂官方网站适宜性

在决定撤销有刑事定罪记录的博天堂官方网站生助理博天堂官方网站机会时, consideration will be given to factors including: the specific duties of the position; number of offenses and circumstance of each; date of conviction; whether the conviction arose out of employment; the accuracy of the explanation of the nature and circumstances of the conviction by the applicant; the applicant’s explanation of events, if any; and probation or parole status.

5. 合同

在完成令人满意的背景调查之前,博天堂官方网站生助理不应开始他/她的合同. Any contract offer shall be considered conditional until a background investigation has been completed and all other pre-employment requirements have been satisfied. 即使, 在完成令人满意的犯罪背景调查之前, 博天堂官方网站是在背离本政策的情况下开始的, the University reserves the right to determine and confirm the employee’s suitability for employment and to end any employment already begun if the background check reveals disqualifying information. 最后, 学生在没有合同的情况下不能工作,并且在背景调查成功完成之前,合同不能最终确定.


背景调查结果不会成为OnBase学生文件的一部分. 通过PreTrax发起的背景调查结果存储在PreTrax中, 位于懊恼瀑布, 俄亥俄州. 只要BGSU在PreTrax上有账户,数据就会被保留. 如果PreTrax账户被终止, 数据将被传输到BGSU使用的便携式存储设备.

Background checks collected by departments as part of the admissions process will be retained in the department in accordance with their approved records retention schedule.
